rustle in the wind 意味

  • 風でサラサラと音を立てる


        rustle of wind:    rustle of wind 颯颯 さっさつ
        rustle:     1rustle n. さらさら鳴る音. 【動詞+】 I heard a rustle in the bushes. 茂みにさらさら鳴る音を聞いた. 【+前置詞】 a rustle of leaves in the breeze そよ風に吹かれて木の葉のさらさら鳴る音 The silence was broken only by the rustle of
        to rustle:    to rustle 騒めく ざわめく かさかさ鳴る かさかさなる
        rustle in silks:    シルクの服
        rustle of clothing:    衣服{いふく}が擦れる音
        rustle of language:    {著作} : 《The ~》言語のざわめき◆仏1984《著》ロラン?バルト(Roland Barthes)
        rustle of trees:    木の葉がサラサラと擦れ合う音
        rustle of whispers:    ひそかなささやき声
        rustle up:    {句動} : 寄せ集める、サッと作り上げる
        hear the leaves rustle:    木の葉がさらさら鳴るのを聞く
        make the grasses rustle:    草をさらさらと鳴らす
        rustle of one's dress:    衣擦れの音
        rustle one's bustle:    急ぐ
        rustle up a meal:    急いで食事{しょくじ}を作る
        rustle up money:    金をかき集める


  1. "rusting jalopy" 意味
  2. "rusting steel" 意味
  3. "rustinhibiting paint" 意味
  4. "rustle" 意味
  5. "rustle in silks" 意味
  6. "rustle of clothing" 意味
  7. "rustle of language" 意味
  8. "rustle of one's dress" 意味
  9. "rustle of trees" 意味
  10. "rustle" 意味
  11. "rustle in silks" 意味
  12. "rustle of clothing" 意味
  13. "rustle of language" 意味

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